Recommended Requirements: When I referred to requirements in the title I didn’t actually mean it as actual requirements. That’s why I’m recommending the following Aion Gold things before you move on to Magnel Island.
You’re free to sail to Magnel earlier and attempt to train there but I don’t like the chances of you dying if you’re missing some of the following things.
Are you high-leveled enough? For a novice I recommend leaving Cardiff Island at Level 24 because you’ll have a one level advantage over the first creatures you meet in Castle Field, the monster house of Magnel Island.
Now, on the map you may see a place called Tulach. Easy tiger, you’re nowhere near that level yet. If some advice must be given then I’ll say that the bushes and spiders are a good start for you at level 24.
If you have quests, do them. Quests give you about 10% EXP and are a lot quicker leveling than grinding on its own. If you tell someone you grinded all the way to level 24 they won’t believe you. That or they’ll think you’re a very devoted fan of Florensia.
Well, I suppose I am for writing this guide right? At level 40 you will spend some time working on leveling so don’t feel bad if it’s taking you some time to level.