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Nowadays, earlier I said that I feel moonkin will eventually beat out feral as a sepc, assuming no changes, but there is a good reason for that. When I got to 80, started doing bgs, and got a good feeling for how feral would really perform to get Aion gold, I was surprised at the burst potential of the class. But there is one major problem that feral deal with that moonkins. Although shred damage is extremely high gold and strong, it still requires you to be behind your target. Moonkins suffer no such restrictions about Aion gold.
Shred - I think that the positional requirement on shred should be dropped; however I feel that it is too powerful at the moment as well. Blizzard said that they were toying with the idea of giving feral druids higher constant damage, which would mean that some nerfs would be coming for their burst regardless to get Aion gold. Buffing constant damage without nerfing burst a bit would be a big mistake. This would not mean that druids would be using only shred, as it is also important to keep up mangle/rake for better shred damage about Aion gold.