Champions Online executive producer Shannon Posniewski has penned the July edition on the state of the game. In the letter, Posniewski shows off an impressive number of changes, additions and enhancements coming with the summer update. Also included is a peek at the next adventure pack, The Demonflame.
Near the end of September, we are planning on launching the next adventure pack, The Demonflame. Here's the basic back plot, which some of you may remember f Aion the Champions pen and paper game.
Nearly 20 years ago, Luther Black used the full power of the DEMON organization that he'd built to cause the Demonflame Incident. Through vile magic and human sacrifice he created a flaming tower that rose into the sky, and at its peak he tried a horrific ritual to let him pry open the doors between worlds and take on unnatural powers. He was stopped by the combined forces of brave superheroes and, to everyone's surprise, VIPER. No one knows why VIPER lent their aid, but VIPER and DEMON have been fighting each other ever since. Luther Black's plan was foiled, and the tower disappeared.