A special edition Q&A with designers John Stumme and Ben Miller has appeared on the official Guild Wars 2 site. The questions focus on topics as diverse as Polymock, in town music and map travel.
The first series of questions deals with mini-games and, well, balls. Yes, there will be balls in games but only in manly games. The traditional Guild Wars holiday celebrations will be making a comeback in Guild Wars 2 and Polymock may finally see the light as it was originally intended to be played.
As for map travel, it has been previously mentioned that using waypoints will have a small fee attached. Miller sums it up this way:
It allows us to establish a balance between exploration and convenience. It also provides a minor, but highly repeatable way to drain money out of the economy. You don't HAVE to use them, and in some cases it's better to save your cash and just enjoy the run through the countryside.