Miss your chance to win a badge? Chill out bro! We've got your back...
Were you unable to get into one of the meditation rooms last week? Waiting forever in line to get access to a Relax hosted game? You really wanted to get that Relax Games Badge, but now it's gone forever it seems...
Psych! No need to get all bent out of shape. Take that chill pill, sit back and see what Habbo Staff can do for you...
My Zen Pets Room Competition
We're giving everyone the chance to get the Relax Games Badge and the all new Relax Brushstroke Badge. Here are the requirements...
Build a room designed with the new Relax furni and your favorite pet. Design that pet's ideal chill out zone where they can live without worries. All room sizes accepted! Fulfill these conditions and you will receive the Relax Games Badge!
The top five Pet Relaxation rooms will get both the Relax Games Badge AND the Relax Brushstroke Badge! Send us an e-mail before Monday, August 31st at 10am PT with a screenshot of your room to [email protected]. Don't forget to include your Habbo name and the subject line 'Pet Relaxation Room'. Please take the screenshot in OLD HABBO! It MUST include your Habbo name and room name in the image. After you take your screenshot, feel free to return to regular Habbo!
Badges will be donated by Tuesday, September 1st at 12pm PT.