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New options: simple gain Display: Enabling this option will add a small map next to the combined effects of a gain frame. World of Warcraft GoldA very short duration (for example, to restore mana), as well as a long gain of effects (for example, Prayer of Fortitude) will be incorporated into the body of this box. Icon overlay in the box body, but still can be done by pointing your mouse to view the body frame. Disappearing long duration of effect will disappear in the upcoming body was removed f Aion frame to display. As an important trigger (for example, the art of war, lightning overload), cooling (for example, Haemophilus / heroic, burning), or limited in scope (such as a totem or a Paladin aura) such as a class effect will always be displayed.
Previous interface settings can be dispersed inside the debuff and buff cast options have been put on here, also made two new options, integration buff and I cast a debuff
Integration buff patch is a succinct statement of the gain show that some conventional buff into a small box will no longer show up independently