Frequently asked questions about phase one:
Q: Gen, you are a god among gnomes, and handsome to boot. But if you tell everyone to take Rose zuly up gathering, who will buy the materials were gathering?! If there is no money in crafting, nobody will buy our materials!
A: It actually makes a perfect circle lowbies gather the mats, while highbies buy the mats and make crafted items (well discuss highbie strategy in a bit).
These highbies in turn sell their items (for a profit) to other highbies and lowbies who NOW have money to spend (because they are not wasting all their money trying to level up crafting professions!) It works really well like this.
Q: Gen, you are kind, intelligent, and have abs you could wash clothes on. My character is level XX, and I am a level YY Crafting Profession and a level ZZ Gathering Profession. And I am BROKE! Should I drop my crafting profession and take up a second gathering profession?
A: It depends on several things. If you are already close to level 40, you might as well keep the crafting profession UNLESS it’s really low level (like less than 125 or something) then ya drop it like a bad habit.
Q: My materials are not selling! The market is flooded with them and I keep getting them returned in the mailbox!
A: Ya that is going to happen from time to time. Some days you can sell a stack of something for 1g, the next day the entire AH is flooded with stacks selling for 20s. It is what I call the Retard Factor.