Flight: A distinctive feature that this game will have is the concept of flying. This will be a limited [active skill], during which the character will be able to perform various Aion Gold exclusive skills against ground and air players.
It will also be used to find higher elevation areas or materials that can not be accessible through walking. Initially when you receive the power of the Davea at level 10 you'll receive a flight indicator with a 1 minute timer. Later the game will come out with items to upgrade your flight time.
Game Engine: In addition, the game uses the first generation Cryteks Cry-ENGINE. This same engine was used in the development of the first person shooter Far-Cry.
Visuals: The game will break new ground with its amazing visuals based on its use of the Cry-ENGINE and highly talented art designers whose inspiration came from multiple themes. This game has a distinctly unique setting which can be described as “dream like”.
Character Customization: The character customization system will be highly exhaustive; allowing the player to make sure that their character looks exactly the way they want.
Skill Chains: Depending on the weapon you use, you'll have access to its skill chains. Skills can be purchased from Markus (name may change) and must correspond to its appropriate slot in the chain. The length of the skill chain can not be modified.