WOW GOLD players have nature swiftness which neither Priest nor pally has.
We're not going to say same gears because of you really want to do feral DPS you wouldn't not be wearing tanking gears.Feral tree are now very loaded with talents that force you to choose between cat or bear. Same argument goes with DPS role, if enchant Shaman can't DPS as well or almost as well as a Rogue or DPS Warrior no one would ever want to take them. While we advocate for hybrid to be able to perform as well as "pure" class, we despise and totally disagree with hybrid class outperforming a "pure" class. Ret pally should not be able to out DPS a Rogue. The more utility a class brings to the group the more the gap between DPS should be. Once again, we have with resto Druid is due to their HoTs which make them a much better healer since it's more of a preemptive heal. For our viewpoint, it's totally unfair that Druid now has out of combat rez; they are getting nourish which is like flash heal but more, wild growth which is like Circle of heal but more. They have in combat rez which no one else has. They can get glyph make swift not consume the HoTs which is like getting another flash heal but instant cast. WOW GOLD players have nature swiftness which neither Priest nor pally has. In term of healing arsenal Priest has a smaller arsenal than Druid.More information about Druid, you can come to our wow gold site to look for your desired ones.