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World of Kung Fu VestGame Entertainment will release a new version to its popular MMORPG, World of Kung Fu in the near future. VestGame is happy to foreshow it so as to be sure of informing gameplayers. The coming version will bring an important upgrade, including new systems, new maps and new items. They are all fresh, and reveal the Chinese custom and culture.
Besides 2 brand new high level Maps and 2 new Instances, this version will activate a lot of new systems, in which the new coming "Legendary School" and "Kungfu Campaign" will be a great enhance to our current weekly event system. Together with the currently popular "Town Crier's Event", there will be totally 3 different kinds of events held by system EVERY DAY, which will surely cover more of our players in different time zones too. Moreover, these events will be all different f Aion Sunday to Monday! There is NO WAY to get bored.
In China, everyone knows XII Shengxiao - which is 12 different kinds of animals who represent different years as a rotation -- as guarding demon of people who were born in their year. They will soon arrive as pets of our players, not only pick up loots for their owner, but also bless people with nice buff.
Trading System will be activated in this coming version too, which makes earning fortune no longer a tough thing.
As mentioned above, this version will add many amazing features; however, the new systems mentioned in above paragraphs are only a fraction of the coming version. More detailed information about the new features and enhancements remains to be seen.