Flash Heal is your bread and butter, the one you will cast more often than any other healing spell. It is not the most efficient, but the 1.5 second cast is what makes it your heal of choice for softer non-tank classes. If Renew is too slow, and Greater Heal is too slow or too big, use Flash Heal.As the primary healer, if you are Holy specced, wow gold players should use this Greater Heal whenever you can on the tank in your group. As we saw in the section above, this is a significantly more efficient healing spell than any of your other single-target heals. The drawback is the casting time, so, it is likely that you will not want to use this on anyone other class than Warrior. Knowing when to cast this takes practice. You have to learn to predict damage rates fairly accurately. You can not wait to cast it until your tank is down to half health; you have to cast it before then. Sometimes this means you will over heal, to combat this, get used to moving at thelast second to cancel your cast if the tank does not take the predicted damage.As you get into higher level instances, the number of multi-mob pulls, and AoE damage mobs increases drastically. This Prayer of Healing spell is essential anytime three or more of your party is down 1000 or more hit points. It is a life saver at times, and an encounter maker.