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wow account popped into one of the many official forum topics complaining about the seemingly inordinate amount of times Old Kingdom pops on the Dungeon Finder to offer some welcome news for exhausted dungeon runners.
A full 5% nerf to Hunger for Blood is pretty simple to model, and it's a 5% nerf to Mutilate's wow account. Ghostcrawler has been exalting Wow Goldthe idea of a simple talent mechanic that allows wow account to tweak a class' DPS with minimal backlash or unexpected consequences, and it seems wow account is truly the precursor of what's to come with the Mastery system. The second nerf was also calculated, it struck Combat and Mutilate both, via a poison scaling coefficient that's invisible to players. While it only amounts to a 2-3% nerf for both specs, it's enough to convince many players to abandon their thieves and assassins. Here's the secret: post-nerf, rogues are still way on top.