Equipment suggestions to bolster up your nature resistance (for specific slots only - not suggested as a complete set due to overall lower stats):
For AQ the poison resistance enchantments are a good solution since general poison resist gear with FFXI Gil adequate stats is hard to obtain outside of AQ.
The druid item set dropped in the Temple of AhnQiray can be found here: Naxxramas (This section will be revamped and expanded in the near future)
In the first part of this dungeon, you will profit of the Nature resistance gear you acquired already for AhnQiray.
In other words - you need to spend some time at level 60 doing 5, 10 and 20 man raiding before a raid guild will take you with them to Molten Core.
For Sapphiron and KelThuzad, you can probably look forward already to farming frost resistance gear for the final encounters in this dungeon. Shadow resistance will probably be required for Scourge Death Knights and Necromancers - and of course for KelThuzad.
Shadow Resistance gear can be found scattered throughout most instances and a lot of the epic armor pieces have got at least some basic shadow resistance on them already, so this should not be a problem.