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Tags : Diablo-3
In January of this year we featured Archon the Wizard and his video "Add Me Maybe," which is a Diablo-themed parody of the song "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. But Archon the Wizard is a man of many talents, and his passion for Diablo III isn't limited to catchy tunes.
This Player Spotlight showcases Archon the Wizard and his experiences livestreaming Diablo III!
Archon has been busy streaming Diablo III and other games for over a year now, and he's kept his stream busy with a plentitude of fun activities for his viewers, including guest appearances by both Wyatt Cheng and Travis Day. Archon is also very serious about helping other players and promoting various charities, and we caught up with him to find out more about him and his experiences livestreaming.
Q. How long have you been a livestreamer?
Since June of 2012, I don't remember the exact date.
Q. What prompted you to get started with livestreaming?
I started making YouTube videos with my brother (Dreadnoughtt) a few weeks before Diablo III came out. We would commonly play with some of our viewers and a few of them told us we should stream on Twitch. I decided to give it a try (before I'd even watched a livestream) and it was a lot of fun. I've streamed almost every day since then.
Q. Which character do you consider your "main," and what Paragon level are they?
My wizard is definitely my main. She's been paragon 100 for a while now. I've been leveling a Demon Hunter recently.
Q. How many hours a week do you spend streaming? Is this your full-time job?
I spend 40 - 60 hours a week streaming, 10 - 20 hours on YouTube videos and another 10 - 15 hours doing "upkeep" for the 2 channels. I suppose I would call it my full time job, but there's not as much money in streaming as people think. I do some work on the side to help pay the bills.Q. What special equipment or peripherals do you use?
I can't play online RPGs anymore without buttons on the side of my mouse. Viewers commonly ask if I'm using macros because I play with 1 hand half the time, but I don't even know how to setup a macro =P
Q. What has been your biggest challenge so far as livestreaming goes?
Being on camera without the option of editing out the bad parts, lol. Naturally, when you first start streaming you're trying to act like the best version of yourself. But you quickly learn that you can't keep that up 6+ hours a day/7 days a week. You only have so much willpower.
Some days I'm in a worse mood than other days, but I try to remind myself that someone might visit my stream for the first time when I'm feeling grumpy, and I don't want to give them a bad impression. I try to create an environment that will keep me cheerful even on a bad day.
Q. What has been your best memory so far of streaming Diablo III?
I have a lot of good memories, so it's hard to choose one. The day I met Datmodz was a a good one. We collected 1 billion gold (back when it was worth around $1500 on the RMAH) and did a 1 billion gold giveaway.
We had over 1000 people enter, but the winner ended up being the streamer, Datmodz (who I had never heard of). He was streaming at the time so we got to see his reaction, and Modz' reactions are always priceless. He showed us his tattoo. I'd tell you where his tattoo is, but I feel I should keep this interview PG.
The coincidence was too big for some viewers to believe. I failed to convince them it wasn't rigged, lol.
Other memories: The interview with Wyatt Cheng and Travis Day was surreal for me.